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Sidammo Coffee

Popular among the specialty trade, the beans are processed by either dry or wet methods. The beans produce flavor notes with a spicy character and round, balanced acidity in the cup.
Region: With altitudes of up to 2,200 meters, Sidamo produces fine washed and exceptional unwashed coffees. Farmers hold some production as natural to spread their income through the year as red cherries for washed coffees do not keep long if stored. For those visiting this region, we highly recommend staying at the Aregash Lodge near Yirgalem where visitors can see a range of wildlife and also the lodge’s own coffee plantation.
Distance from Addis by car up to 6 hours (340 kms)

Sidammo Coffe Characteristics
ALTITUDE 1550-2200 m (5080-7210 ft)
CUP Bright acidity, medium body with spicy and citrus flavours
HARVEST October to January
SHIPMENT September/October to January
EXPORTS P.A. 23’000 MT washed (Grade 2), 17’000 unwashed (Grade 4)